Though i tried to find my way there by taking bus but mega fail so took i cab in the end.
Didn't feel i did well for the interview but i'm not sure if i will like the job either. But if i do get it, i'll make sure i change the whole brand image of them and make them more happening!! haha.
Counting down to driving test: 9 more days!!
I'm really hope that i'll pass because driving is eating away my money!! And i can't imagine the consequences if i fail it. I'll prolly emo for a whole week! Sigh.. i'll just pray everyday from now on.
Now i have PICTURES for the performance last friday in case you haven't seen them on fb.
With good lightings = more pictures!!
It was a great experience working with them we did everything in 2 days =) fastest ever. Thank you Gin for the opportunity and Sam i love you! Training with them was so fun it's always filled with laughter and so much nonsense.
Here i present to you: The BANG BANGS!
It's almost like Charlie's Angels isn't it?? haha.
The Angels preparing...
The Must-Have Pose: Couture
Me and Sam somehow got the same look! haha
And after the performance, we went to this korean restaurant in tanjong pagar next to PLAY.
Some beer and spicy wings. Go there if you love spicy stuff( their chicken not so spicy though)
The restaurant was filled with koreans and we are the only non-korean group. How cool??
Oh and they serve free salads too!!
I must say that i never like beer and i hate burping! cause when i do it means i'm gonna puke! hahaha. thank god i didn't on that day =)
So far my life's good but i'm worrying for the future. But as long as i pass my driving test, i have one huge burden off my shoulder.
Alright time to sleep. I'm cooking for my family tomorrow! Will see if it's successful =D
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