October was just as bad as sept. Though i got my license =) hee.
I pray for better days ahead. More time with my friends and boyfriend and family. More time to train hard for recital. I've been disappointing myself as well as others for my past few vetting.
Now i fixed the heels and maybe the costume.. it's time the showmanship comes out.
Sat's ION Flashmob...
My clothes were sponsored by Li Ning this time. Yes i know, what the hell is that right?
I was expecting some cheena piang fashionable shop with at least not so bad clothes.
Never did i expect it to be FREAKING SPORTS WEAR!! wtf?!?!
I spent like more than half an hour to find something that's ugly but not the ugliest on me!
You can't imagine what the stylist gave to me at first. Oh my i seriously doubt she's a stylist. Fashion sense bad to the core. Still can tell me" oh, that (super tiny) grean part of the skirt doesn't match the pink and black top." I'm like wth!!?! i swear the tennis skirt is way better than all the trumpet sweat pants that she's trying to push to me. All damn ugly la *MEGA FAINT*
Thank god i saw something better on the mannequin. And i stop whining even though most of my friends got nicer clothes from muji. I just laugh at my dressing the whole time. Life's too short to be pissed over small things.
haha. i say only, (fav line in my broadway item) still rant so much. lol. so here are the pictures, very little this time cause we were busy most of the time.

My fugly Li Ning clothes.
Instantly turned me into a noobie beginner dancer.
"Hi!! My name is Kat Li Ning, i just took my first beginner class in Osch today!! omg omg check out my moves**does the yo yo sign with weird looking bounce**

And iris is so prepared for halloween!!

There! that's the end of the flashmob. It was fun over all. Especially when we were dancing =))
BYE BI! Update soon!