So i won't have to miss him that much too. hee.
Love it when we have the car for a day. Feel so relax.
I really hate public transport luh. Trains especially! Pissed me off all the time.
And can i tell you how awesome i am on tuesday night??
I was super late to meet my broadway girls, suppose to meet them at 7.30, but there i am munching my dinner at 6.50. So i left house at 7.05 thinking that i can reach there at like 7.45 so i'm like 15 mins late only?
Then i walked all the way until the mrt track there and realised i forgot to bring my jacket and smt i can't rmb. So i walked back and then half way i was thinking, aiya heck la just dont wear lo. So i walked towards the station again and then stopped and turn back again!
WTF am i doing IKR! this is what happens to me when i panic. Can't think straight!
So i went back and grab those stuff. And with all my guts, i said " Can i drive your car!!"
Wooot! best things i've ever said. I drove on the highway, trapped in the small jam and reached Scape all by myself!! Alone in the car i swear i wasn't scared at all ( cause i was just worrying about being late for the rehearsal)
Finally i've overcome this shit in me. Wanting to drive out but damn afraid of accidents cause i've seen quite a few ever since i passed my driving test. I'm afraid to scratch the car, afraid to hit somebody. Dislike the image of someone lying on the road and not moving(seen it like 4 times alrdy).
Haha.but no longer am =) I'm proud of myself!!
Hee.. Recital in 2 days time!
Excited or what?
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